My further air workings have led me into the Pyramid of Air. Clarity, Inspiration, Joy, and Wisdom, have become my tools, new sub-elementals have revealed themselves to me and soon I will post pictures of them. a wand is also in the making and will be consecrated soon, I lost all my tools years ago to an evil landlord. Dismayed I went forth without self made tools for nearly ten years now. So I reacquaint myself with the elements and make new tools.
I am an avid collector of rocks, bones and feathers, if you have a need let me know. If you have items to share let me know. Looking for skeleton keys and would appreciate any leads.
Lastly, my new linguistic venture is under way,and soon I will be back in school. Going to keep going until I can teach college classes. Now to decide, Philosophy or Cultural Anthropology? Time to consult the oracles.
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