Starting back at Samhain, I moved from Air Elemental workings to Fire Elemental workings. No significant progress had been noticed until recently, when the elemental presented itself to me fully. I definitely get a feminine vibe, and not sure why bear, but I feel I have turned a corner. Now to begin having open and clear communications. Hopefully.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Iacchus Global Rite
Iacchus was one of the first deities to whom I found myself being a dedicant . I have kind of fallen out of practice over the years but I will participate in the Global Rite on February 14th, 2014. You find out more at this website:
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Consumer Vagaries
So I spent the day floating through the Common Fantasy. That vague place where the consumer and that which is consumed reflect one another until one is not sure which is the original and which is the reflection. As I perused the beginnings of the great consumer orgasm more commonly known as Christ Mass, I was struck by the overwhelming presence of the Fantastic. Vampires, witches, angels, fairies, elves, and superheroes, all at the toy store. Also wandering across the television screen and through adult books, and at the Mass consumer outlets, the fantastic was everywhere in full bloom. All of this was both comforting and discomforting at the same time. Fantastic sure, but not organic, co-opted and packaged for sale by the great Whore Babalon herself, American Consumerism. Now I am not so shallow or naive enough to believe this is an all top down type situation. If we (the collective We, not necessarily you and I) do not buy these plastic distractions then the Cash Hoarders would not sell them. Here are some examples of the sorts of things I saw today:
And This:
This is just the tip of the iceberg, ABC network alone boasts Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Marvels Agents of Shield, there is a remake of the Munsters starring Eddie Izzard as Grandpa and who could forget Walking Dead. Add to this ongoing discussions of Illuminati imagery in Pop culture, and artisinal spirituality for hipsters, and the Year of the Witch is indeed shaping up to be a very weird one indeed.
Some of this is not new, but the accelerated crush of consumerism at this time of year coupled with strange currents of the Fantatsic seem to hint at a boredom with the status quo that mere repetitions of Holiday banality will not cure. Problem is that instead of taking the time to encounter the truly Fantastic either in the Outer or Inner Wilderness, most humans are somnambulistic enough to consume crap in a desperate attempt to fill the void. So here we are once again at the crossroads between experience and ersatz representations of the the strange to convince the Zombtatstic masses that they are not really walking dead. I prefer a sincere Catholic, Hell I prefer a rabid Baptist for that matter to a blind agnostic so called intellectual. It is all about the passion.
True Magick, true Sorcery HAPPENS in the doing. There is no product, book, or guru who can do it for you, the hard work is all yours; own it. One of the best articles on how its done is this one I read by Jason Louv. Do yourself a favor and read it. He intended for those in their twenties but as one in my forties I felt I knew people my age who could benefit from it. There are no shortcuts, it is a lonely road and ultimately its your road alone. By the way I bought the Mermaid and Witch Zelfs, my altar needs some whimsy.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Hillbilly Hoodoo and Other Magical Meanderings
There are many currents crossing and composting in my psycho-spiritual world currently. Many fine readings over at the Autonomous Individuals Network. This is what one branch of TOPY has evolved into, which has become reborn under Genesis P-Orridge's care into the One True Topi Tribe. Ultraculture also has much fine cerebral stimulants for the discerning psychonaut. I am glad to see that Chaos is alive and thriving.
In a more traditional vein I offer up the following, ConjureMan Ali's book on St Cyprian. This saint is probably the absolute best of the Mighty Dead to work with in American Hoodoo. If you want some really deep Pomba Gira, Santeria, Palo style education, check out Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold's blog The Starry Cave.
If you want all out freaky check out Labanna Babalon; you'll thank me in the morning.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Season of the Hunt
The Nights are cooler and the leaves are turning and falling to the ground, the season has changed. In this time of the year many turn to thoughts of the holidays with all the attendant ritual that their traditions require. There is another ritual enacted at this time of the year that seems to get ignored or vilified far too often, I speak of The Hunt. The Hunt and the Huntsman are such an integral part of humanity and it's myths, that one need not hunt for very long to find tales of The Hunt. A simple Google search will render much useful information, but I want to talk of the hunt from a ritual perspective and explain the profound power and responsibility of being a huntsman. Come into the woods with me.
Look at the image above, do you feel like getting lost there? Probably not, it would not take long for something to take notice of you, something that could eat you. One of the first thing the Hunter knows is that everything is Hunter and Hunted. The real challenge would be finding woods like these, not many left in the world. These are old growth forests, primeval and untamed, now a days mostly isolated and clinging to survival . Enter the Huntsman, a common theme in huntsman myths, is the idea of the huntsman being the barrier between order and chaos, the Forest and civilization. He was understood to be a guardian figure who both protected civilization from the beasts in the woods, but also protected the forest from the ravages of civilization. There is a sacred trust which must be fulfilled by the huntsman, One may take what one needs to survive from the land, but one must return something to the land. Protecting the land from wanton destruction was and still should be viewed as a sacred act.The reason is simple, our home is disappearing.
This map from the USDA Forestry Service pretty much sums up how bad the situation has become. The Hunt is a sacred bond that ties the Hunter to the land and if the Hunter does not protect the land, there will be no Hunt. No rites of passage in the woods on a late Autumn afternoon. As the wild world slips away, something vital and important fades inside of humanity. Fight for the forests, fight for the Hunt, fight for our future. As long as there is wildness in me I will fight for the forest and all who live there, if you want to help follow the links below. You cannot become one with the Primeval Earth if there are no vestiges of it left. Do your sacred duty answer the Call of the Wild.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Autumn Reading List
My Reading List for Fall:
- The Triumph of The Moon by Ronald Hutton
- Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy by Clark Heinrich
- The Gift by Echo Bodine
- The Heathens by William Howells
- Sadhus and Shamans by Swati Chopra
What are you reading? Why? Are there any books you read over and over again? Please share your books, and book related stories in the comments. Happy Reading!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Obligatory Seasonal Greeting
Mabon Mabon Mabon. There you go. my obligatory Mabon post. Actually as cool as the equinox is, and despite my having Crymu ancestry, I don't use the term Mabon. I am a solitary witch, and not of the Wiccan variety, too churchy for me. I do respect those who choose that path, it is their path to choose. I follow a crooked path that disappears completely into the wilderness. My seasons and reasons are mine all alone. So make merry however you do, but do not feel offended if I do not observe your holidays the same way you do.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Obsessions and Shadows
When I began my elemental workings, I started by making Hekate one of my patron deities. My reason for doing this has much to do with the direction my path is currently on versus where I have been in the past. For most of my years I have considered myself a witch but stuck primarily to Wicca and Neo-Pagan pathways. On my birthday this year, my 45th, I made the decision to follow a more traditional path and thus the relationship with Hekate began. Mostly this was due to the fact she is a goddess of witchcraft and crossroads so it seemed a natural fit. Hekate, is also the goddess of the Underworld and shadows, thus we come to this reason behind this post. In order to move forward in my work I must be open about so of my less desirable tendencies. Admission is the first step to healing. Without further ado, welcome to my nightmare.
I have problems accepting praise. I hear all the criticism but ignore the attendant praise. This has a tendency to make Eeyore look jovial in comparison to myself. I know we are our own worst critics , but trust me when I say I am the master of self sabotage. Two failed marriages being the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
I am an overgrown man-child with mommy issues. There are so many improper imprints and complexes that I cannot go into them all nor do I want to in this form. There is reason I bring it up, and it is important that I confess this ugliness, because I must heal from it.I have a horrendous habit of being cruel and abusive to women, especially the ones closest to me. I am currently doing some deep shadow work to overcome my darker impulses and their manifestations. There are two tools I find most helpful, Somatic Experiencing, and Parenthood. Somatic Experiencing, or SE, is a form of bodywork that is particularly useful for healing from trauma. I won't go into my reasons for doing this but I will say that for me it works.
I confess this now because I can no further in my work without learning not to be bastard. The first step was therapy, the second was this confession, the third is changing my relationships. Some very wonderful people have helped me along the way and I look forward to their continued support. Hekate has made me aware of my deficiencies in my relationship to the divine feminine and it all begins with my relationship to femininity. Both outside of and inside of me, yes when I treat femininity in all its forms poorly, I diminish myself because I am also treating my inner feminine poorly. Respect for the other is respect for the self. I can not stress that enough, in fact it bears repeating, respect for the other is respect for the self. Let it sink in, everyone of us needs to remember this and be reminded until WE all get it. I'll work on mine you work on yours.
One shadow to chase away, money. I must change my relationship with money. I say I hate it too much and it stays away. I don't want more than I need, but I deserve to be comfortable. Life is hard and everyone I know is struggling. I believe if we all start talking about the distribution of wealth in the world we will all benefit. Which is the most revolutionary Magick I can Imagine happening.
This leads to a topic I read about this week in a blog post titled, "Can Witchcraft Be Revolutionary?", you can read it here. My revolutionary magick would be full disclosure of all the finances in the world, personal, private,corporate, governmental, churches,and bank holdings. Everyone exposed, maybe we could find out some things, for instance, how much money exists in the world? Why is it distributed so unevenly? What is it backed by? How relevant is it? Why are there laws designed to protect the hoarders of wealth?
It is my will and desire to see the world begin to be more honest about resource allocation and distribution. It is wish that I have persuaded others by my example feeble as it may be, to take the chance and share your shadows. Hekate Sotiera goddess savior, liminal Anatolian triple- goddess, continue to show me the benefit of strength through vulnerability, joy from wisdom, and beauty everywhere.
So Shadows and Obsessions has been a bit heavy on the shadow and not so the Obsessions, well that is about to change. My actual obsessions are probably to numerous to discuss here, but then again I am sometimes dramatic. Double edged sword that it is. My obsessions in order, Art, Tiki Culture, Comics,and Clothes.
I enjoy all art, but mostly Lowbrow Art; Hot Rods, Carnival Art, Tiki Art, Pigors, Roth, and anything that Burns. I also enjoy spiritual art, by Masters like Grey, Johfra, and Susan Seddon-Boulet, you'll thank for that last one. When it comes to Tiki Art I am completely bowled over by Heather Watts, and Shag.
My obsession with Tiki carries over into a love of rum based cocktails, Tiki Mugs, and Tiki Bars. I even own a few Mugs and have collected my own in the wild at a Tiki Bar in Las Vegas. Enough about that, I have considered starting a Tiki blog.
Comics, well I should probably just talk about that in another post. I will mention a few favorites, Silver Surfer, HATE!, and of course Weirdo, by Crumb. Too many more to mention will discuss in future, possibly also a blog of its own.
My biggest shame, clothes. I love shoes, I love costumes, I love clothes. This is my inner gay man, we all have one, mine loves clothes. I am addicted to buying shoes, tshirts, suit jackets, sweaters, and sorts of costume accessories. I call them that because there is no other name for an antlered helm, face paint, skirts, tutus, masks, and every kind of hat from Sombrero to Fez. Shoes, you can never have enough, I want this whole collection. My problem is that all of my obsessions is that are based on consumptive practices and lack substantive self narrative.
Just as I work to free myself of self sabotage and abusive behaviors, so too I turn from my obsessions. I find value in teaching my son how to build things, encouraging my daughter to sing her own song, and teaching them both that experience is more important than possessions.We play chess together and music, my son encourages me to make my own Art, and my daughter shows me how to make costumes from paper bags, and feathers. I am learning a new language, and soon will make my own shoes.
Contemplation of and interaction with Hekate has lead me examine my shadows and obsessions more closely. This careful study has shown me a path to self transformation through confrontation of my darker tendencies. There is definitely more to come, but I welcome the challenge.
One shadow to chase away, money. I must change my relationship with money. I say I hate it too much and it stays away. I don't want more than I need, but I deserve to be comfortable. Life is hard and everyone I know is struggling. I believe if we all start talking about the distribution of wealth in the world we will all benefit. Which is the most revolutionary Magick I can Imagine happening.
This leads to a topic I read about this week in a blog post titled, "Can Witchcraft Be Revolutionary?", you can read it here. My revolutionary magick would be full disclosure of all the finances in the world, personal, private,corporate, governmental, churches,and bank holdings. Everyone exposed, maybe we could find out some things, for instance, how much money exists in the world? Why is it distributed so unevenly? What is it backed by? How relevant is it? Why are there laws designed to protect the hoarders of wealth?
It is my will and desire to see the world begin to be more honest about resource allocation and distribution. It is wish that I have persuaded others by my example feeble as it may be, to take the chance and share your shadows. Hekate Sotiera goddess savior, liminal Anatolian triple- goddess, continue to show me the benefit of strength through vulnerability, joy from wisdom, and beauty everywhere.
So Shadows and Obsessions has been a bit heavy on the shadow and not so the Obsessions, well that is about to change. My actual obsessions are probably to numerous to discuss here, but then again I am sometimes dramatic. Double edged sword that it is. My obsessions in order, Art, Tiki Culture, Comics,and Clothes.
I enjoy all art, but mostly Lowbrow Art; Hot Rods, Carnival Art, Tiki Art, Pigors, Roth, and anything that Burns. I also enjoy spiritual art, by Masters like Grey, Johfra, and Susan Seddon-Boulet, you'll thank for that last one. When it comes to Tiki Art I am completely bowled over by Heather Watts, and Shag.
My obsession with Tiki carries over into a love of rum based cocktails, Tiki Mugs, and Tiki Bars. I even own a few Mugs and have collected my own in the wild at a Tiki Bar in Las Vegas. Enough about that, I have considered starting a Tiki blog.
Comics, well I should probably just talk about that in another post. I will mention a few favorites, Silver Surfer, HATE!, and of course Weirdo, by Crumb. Too many more to mention will discuss in future, possibly also a blog of its own.
My biggest shame, clothes. I love shoes, I love costumes, I love clothes. This is my inner gay man, we all have one, mine loves clothes. I am addicted to buying shoes, tshirts, suit jackets, sweaters, and sorts of costume accessories. I call them that because there is no other name for an antlered helm, face paint, skirts, tutus, masks, and every kind of hat from Sombrero to Fez. Shoes, you can never have enough, I want this whole collection. My problem is that all of my obsessions is that are based on consumptive practices and lack substantive self narrative.
Just as I work to free myself of self sabotage and abusive behaviors, so too I turn from my obsessions. I find value in teaching my son how to build things, encouraging my daughter to sing her own song, and teaching them both that experience is more important than possessions.We play chess together and music, my son encourages me to make my own Art, and my daughter shows me how to make costumes from paper bags, and feathers. I am learning a new language, and soon will make my own shoes.
Contemplation of and interaction with Hekate has lead me examine my shadows and obsessions more closely. This careful study has shown me a path to self transformation through confrontation of my darker tendencies. There is definitely more to come, but I welcome the challenge.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
The Syncretic Artistry of Johfra Bosschart
Detail from Pillar by Johfra Bosschart
I have discovered a new occult artist, Johfra Bosschart, whose artwork is visually stunning and one of the best examples of Syncretism in a visual medium I have ever seen. Franciscus Johannes Gijsbertus van den Berg, was born December 15, 1919. At the age of 14 he begins a course in still life drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. He had his first exhibition in 1943, and in 1945 bombing during WWII destroys his home and most of his work. Undaunted he sees this as a "Great Liberation" that frees him to move forward without failures and shortcomings of his earlier work haunting him. In 1945 he changes his name to JOHFRA; FRA from FRAncisus, and JOH from JOHannes but in reverse order. In 1946 he begins a friendship with a surrealist painter named Diana Vandenberg, they marry in 1952. They both join the Rosicrucians in 1953. In 1962 he leaves Diana and the Rosicrucians. In 1973 he begins the Zodiac series which is by far his most famous work. Some examples are here:
Sagittarus by Johfra Bosschart
Libra by Johfra Bosschart
Taurus by Johfra Bosschart
There many more fine examples of his work, I find the density and layers of meaning illustrated in his paintings awe-inspiring. I feel as if my personal belief path has been illustrated, by an Dutch Artist while I was but a child. This discovery is most serendipitous, and is a treasure beyond words. I shall spend many hours using Johfra art as a meditative aid and spiritual guidebook. Even though you passed on to the otherworld in 1998, I am still thankful for your gift.
The Vision of Hermes Trismegistus by Johfra Bosschart
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Work Continues
My further air workings have led me into the Pyramid of Air. Clarity, Inspiration, Joy, and Wisdom, have become my tools, new sub-elementals have revealed themselves to me and soon I will post pictures of them. a wand is also in the making and will be consecrated soon, I lost all my tools years ago to an evil landlord. Dismayed I went forth without self made tools for nearly ten years now. So I reacquaint myself with the elements and make new tools.
I am an avid collector of rocks, bones and feathers, if you have a need let me know. If you have items to share let me know. Looking for skeleton keys and would appreciate any leads.
Lastly, my new linguistic venture is under way,and soon I will be back in school. Going to keep going until I can teach college classes. Now to decide, Philosophy or Cultural Anthropology? Time to consult the oracles.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Mad World
- Fukushima is leaking radioactive water into the ocean.
- Hydraulic "fracking" is poisoning our groundwater.
- "Global Warming" is changing our world.
- The ocean is full of trash.
- Even our food is unsafe.

Monday, August 5, 2013
The Magick of Linguistics
My ancestral tongue is Welsh or Cymraeg, as it is known in this particular Brythonic branch of the Celtic languages. As my path delves deeper and deeper into the Traditional Witchcraft of Wales and Cornwall, I find myself longing to learn the tongue of my ancestors. Just as I decided to delve into something more authentic and less New Age (rhymes with sewage) than Wicca, so I find myself reading the Mabinogion, I begin to wonder how much it must differ in Cymraeg. Languages are reality tunnels, as Robert Anton Wilson has so poignantly discussed. To continue my quest for understanding the authentic traditions of my ancestors I now am compelled to learn a new yet old language. Knowing myself the way I do, I also know that this will mean forays into traditional foodstuffs as well, although I will probably skip on "lights". I have already begun own form of Resh that gives honor to Olwen the Cymru goddess of the sun and Mani a Germanic god of the moon (more on that in another post.) I know Resh is not authentic to the traditions of my ancestors but is also not Wiccan, and my path is a solitary and crooked. So into the books I shall dive, the rites of air urging me ever forward into the realms of knowledge. Keep up the Great Work.
My Recent Artwork
Friday, August 2, 2013
Art That Moves Me
I love this piece of art.
This one too.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Further Revelations from the Eastern Portal
AIR: To Know, Inspiration, and Wisdom
Thoughts on the Environment, Magick, and the Immediacy of Experience
This post is a bit long and is broken into different sections. The first will deal with new knowledge of my surrounding countryside and the effect of erroneous environmental policies upon that land. The second topic is my ongoing work with rituals of an elemental nature, which at this time is air. The final area covered is access to new knowledge that has helped me to incorporate the previous two and develop a plan for future workings.Water Water Everywhere Not a Drop Potable
the widespread use of the practice, and the risks hydraulic fracturing
poses to human health and safe drinking water supplies, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") does not regulate the
injection of fracturing fluids under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
the widespread use of the practice, and the risks hydraulic fracturing
poses to human health and safe drinking water supplies, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") does not regulate the
injection of fracturing fluids under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
the widespread use of the practice, and the risks hydraulic fracturing
poses to human health and safe drinking water supplies, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") does not regulate the
injection of fracturing fluids under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
the widespread use of the practice, and the risks hydraulic fracturing
poses to human health and safe drinking water supplies, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") does not regulate the
injection of fracturing fluids under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
the widespread use of the practice, and the risks hydraulic fracturing
poses to human health and safe drinking water supplies, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") does not regulate the
injection of fracturing fluids under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
The oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies.
- See more at:
oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by
EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into
or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies. - See more at:
oil and gas industry is the only industry in America that is allowed by
EPA to inject known hazardous materials -- unchecked -- directly into
or adjacent to underground drinking water supplies. - See more at:
The oil and gas industry is the only industry allowed by the EPA to inject hazardous chemicals directly into the water supply. In 2005, at the urging of Vice President Dick Cheney, Congress created the so-called "Halliburton loophole" to clean water protections in federal law to prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
from regulating this process, despite serious concerns that were raised
about the chemicals used in the process and its demonstrated spoiling
and contamination of drinking water. In 2001, Cheney's "energy task
force" had touted the benefits of hydrofracking, while redacting
references to human health hazards associated with hydrofracking. Halliburton,
which was previously led by Cheney, reportedly earns $1.5 billion a
year from its energy operations, which rely substantially on its
hydrofracking business.About two weeks ago while watching a Daily Show episode about the show down at the Texas Capitol, my wife and I saw an interview with director of Gasland. Curious about the movie we found it on the internet and watched it. Realizing that Texas is one of the largest petroleum producing states (Alaska produces more) we did some more research on the internet and found this:
This is a map of disposal wells for hydraulic fracturing, I live near the dark spot northeast of San Antonio. These wells are used to dispose of the toxic soup of chemicals used to fracture the rocks during the extraction process. Compare that map with this map of the major aquifers of Texas.
Take note of the red band, that is the Carrizo - Wilcox Aquifer where my local water comes from. The same area the disposal wells are located. We decided that we should change our water filters and that is when the real horror began.
The filter on the right is brand new, the filter on the left is the old one. Normally these filters last six months and are light gray when I change them. This one is five months old, stinks and is dark brown. We also saved water from the filter housing which has brown particulate matter in it. We will be sending this off for analysis.
Do the research, this is happening everywhere, your water may not be safe.
Connections with the Spirits of Air
On a happier note, my elemental working have been progressing nicely. I have developed a relationship with an air elemental who has presented herself to me. This is an illustration I made of her.Beautiful isn't she? Since our contact many birds have been presenting themselves to me and communicating. Owls, crows, vultures, hawks and roadrunners have crossed my path many times in the past few weeks, including three owls in one place at the same time during the day. These weekly workings and daily meditations have opened paths of knowledge lead to deeper understandings of herb-lore, native spirits, and atavistic cthonic currents. These currents have shed light on the origins of Tubal Cain, Germanic lore, root-work, Camino Ambre, and the need to construct a new wand. As a practitioner of Traditional Craft and one who walks a crooked path, I can honestly say these last few months have been some of the most amazing in my many years of practice. Many praises to Hekate and Herne,and much thanks to those who give me inspiration, John Halcyon, T Thorn Coyle,Sarah Anne Lawless, and Robert Artisson .
Increasing Knowledge and the Ethics of Responsibility
When one becomes aware of situations that are dangerous to self and community an obligation to reveal this truth is imperative. To do less than this is not only negligent but irresponsible. When that same individual is a practitioner of nature based spiritual systems this becomes a moral imperative. So now I share information with others via the internet, in person, and join campaigns to make petroleum companies better stewards of the planet they exploit for profit. We are all indigenous spirits of Spaceship Earth and as such we must take care of our home as an extension of our spirituality. Now the earnest work begins, rituals of healing, public workings to draw attention, and dissemination of knowledge. I must engage others and show them why they should care. I plan to use Humor, Magick, and Knowledge to combat my enemy.
This is spiritual warfare on the material plane, clean air, clean water, and clean food are the birthright of every human alive. This about more than my local environs, this is being a voice for my animal allies and plant family, my sustainers, my healers. The aether that flows through us all gives the strength to change our world , but it must be tempered with the knowledge of limits, the passion to do right, the empathic urge to care for nature and the practical skill to responsibly work with nature to ensure the survival of all living things. Everything depends upon it.
Final Thoughts
Take a few moments every day to meditate upon the current condition of our planet, and how you would like to see it improve. Construct rituals of environmental healing, sacred compost piles, volunteer recycle bins at your bus stop, encourage people to test their water. Create sigils that contain links to websites about hydraulic fracturing. Perform theatrical rituals in public to exorcise the demons from the water. These are some the of ideas I have developed, feel free to create your own. We must use everything at our disposal to ensure our mutual existence. Have good cheer and keep up the Great Work.
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